Кагуура Джасуанто | Kerzh da sutal!
Песня, с которой начался вот этот фанмикс по Семенам.
Там есть куплет, который очень семко-куплет.
Недавно на глаза попалась его трактовка, которая этот семко-куплет превратила в семко-куплет в кубе!Я то буквально понимала.
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Там есть куплет, который очень семко-куплет.
There was an earthquake
There was an avalanche of change
We were so afraid
We cried ourselves a hurricane
There were floods
Tidal waves over us
So we folded our hands and prayed
Like a domino
These wildfires grow and grow
Until a brand new world takes shape ©
Недавно на глаза попалась его трактовка, которая этот семко-куплет превратила в семко-куплет в кубе!
The artist concludes the metaphor by illustrating how his heart (the Earth) managed to change through the various storms caused by the implosion of his broken heart. (Compare with the first verse: “And let my change of heart occur”)
The end result is a brand new world (a new heart) that was created in him that has made him into a new person, presumably for the better. ©
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